

A TempleOS-themed Discord Bot.

If you do not wish to host the bot yourself, you may use it in our Discord Server.


You can easily clone this repository using the command:

git clone https://git.templeos.me/xultist/TempleKeeper.git

Afterwards you'll need to install all the dependancies for the bot:

pip install -r requirements.txt


Creating Account

Before running the Bot, you'll need to make a Discord Bot account. Go to the Discord Developer Page and create a new Application, name it and agree to the Terms of Service and Developer Policy.

From there, you may set a profile picture, and an "About Me" (through the Description field). Afterwards, navigate to "Bot" on the side and press the "Add Bot" button. Now on the Bot page, note down the token as you'll need this in the next step. Scroll down to "Privileged Gateway Intents" and click all the buttons.

Config values

Before you can actually run the bot you'll need to configure the bot through config.json. Some fields are already filled in and can be changed, otherwise you will be required to fill in the missing fields.


  • prefix: Command prefix to be used. Although not used because of slash commands.
  • token: Your Discord Bot token, create a bot here and copy the token.
  • application_id: Likewise to the token, you'll also need to grab this.
  • openai_key: Your OpenAI token for GPT. Create one here.


  • random_footer: An array of random footer messages to display on embeds.
  • statuses: An array of possible statuses to display. E.g; "Playing...".
  • owners: Your Discord account ID and/or any other developers.
  • main_guilds: Any guilds that the Bot is in. This is important for registering slash commands.
  • bot_color: The Bot's staple color, used in embeds.


Now you can just run the Bot using:

python3 main.py

If everything went well, you'll be informed, and be provided with a Bot invite link.