AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-12-17Update README.mdHEADmasterAlec Murphy
2021-12-17Update README.mdAlec Murphy
2021-12-17Skip ID3v2 header in GetMP3BitRateAndSampleRateAlec Murphy
2021-12-17Fix typoAlec Murphy
2021-12-17Replace hard coded audio stream id 0 with @audio_get_available_output_streamAlec Murphy
2021-12-17Split @ac97_process_audio into separate TaskAlec Murphy
2021-12-17Revert change which truncated ID3 tag->titleAlec Murphy
2021-12-17Implement track position seekingAlec Murphy
2021-12-17Fix playback not completely emptying FIFO; draw the track position barAlec Murphy
2021-12-17Display source file bit rate and sample rate, mono/stereo; PlayerTask now str...Alec Murphy
2021-12-17Update @drmp3_config class to reflect output channels/sample rate; pcm_buffer...Alec Murphy
2021-12-17Launch TOSamp in its own separate Task, revert dr_mp3.h to version f6dbb2ef9e...Alec Murphy
2021-12-12Add files to repositoryAlec Murphy
2021-12-12Update .gitignoreAlec Murphy
2021-12-11Add dr_mp3.hAlec Murphy
2021-12-11Add .gitignoreAlec Murphy
2021-12-11Initial commitAlec Murphy