AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-10-03Add EFI_LOAD_FILE support.HEADmasterSlendi
2023-09-29Add a image that bounces on the corners.Slendi
2023-09-28Add support for loaded image protocol.Slendi
2023-09-27Simplify and to not use a disk image.Slendi
2023-09-27Rename struct members to be snake_case.Slendi
2023-09-27Format code.Slendi
2023-09-27Add GOP and demo for it.Slendi
2023-09-27Add adapted documentation from specification.Slendi
2023-09-27Capitalize letters in comments.Slendi
2023-09-27Implement Image Services.Slendi
2023-09-27Remove return type from EfiUnimplementedFunction.Slendi
2023-09-27Create placeholders for EFI_BOOT_SERVICES.Slendi
2023-09-27Complete system table struct.Slendi
2023-09-27Move efi_main to efi.odin.Slendi
2023-09-27Initial commit.Slendi