AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-07-17Avoided negative access in
2022-07-17Sets the window a bit bigger,uses standard
2022-07-17Compiles on
2022-07-17Added filemanger,will fail is Cd'ing to drive that doesnt exist.nrootconauto
2022-07-17Added Del,fixed Man. Ctrl+Alt+* is no longer overidden by Alt-menu.nrootconauto
2022-07-17Fixed bug with unclosed '{'.nrootconauto
2022-07-16Added escapable formatting charactors with !. Will decide what to do with '_'...nrootconauto
2022-07-16Hosts on 8080.nrootconauto
2022-07-16Added {no-toc},updated some wiki pages.nrootconauto
2022-07-16Added wiki articles + images.nrootconauto
2022-07-16Added IsRaw,added backup feature to server.nrootconauto
2022-07-16Doesn't call NewDrawWindow on command line mode.nrootconauto
2022-07-16Removed "local" core0 variable to use the global one. VFsChDrv now sets drive...nrootconauto
2022-07-14Restored Ctrl+Alt+X/C. Made some allocations more orthodox to TempleOS.nrootconauto
2022-07-13Restores ability to paste from other windows' clipboard in X11.nrootconauto
2022-07-13Set Window title on X11.nrootconauto
2022-07-13Added break locks. Adamified some things that needed to be AStrNew'ednrootconauto
2022-07-12Updated the new heap allocator to not merge adjacent blocks. ACTask doesnt tr...nrootconauto
2022-07-12Removed PoopMAlloc and freinds.nrootconauto
2022-07-12Initial commit for HolyHeap.nrootconauto
2022-07-11Added profanity checker to server.nrootconauto
2022-07-11Fixed bug with DirMk(checked for existance of to-be-created directory prior t...nrootconauto
2022-07-10Updated server.nrootconauto
2022-07-09Refactored some code.nrootconauto
2022-07-09Added preliminary network support(also included example wiki server).nrootconauto
2022-07-06Increased filename size.nrootconauto
2022-07-06Merge pull request #4 from nrootconauto/windows_recentnrootconauto
2022-07-06Removed old versions on Talons and Varoom.windows_recentnrootconauto
2022-07-06Clipboard paste restored in X11.nrootconauto
2022-07-05Compiles under FreeBSD again. Kills animate_task. Re-enabled task-time on pro...nrootconauto
2022-07-05Accepts command line arguments as normal. Centers the window. Uses dc2 to avo...clayton
2022-07-05Used more orthodox sources for Talons and Varoom.nrootconauto
2022-07-05Merge branch 'TOS_Sched' into windows_recentnrootconauto
2022-07-05FaultCB calls FualtRoutine. Can CtrlAltN switches windows. Added more orthodo...nrootconauto
2022-07-04Vfs uses cur_dir from Fs to get epic timesaves.nrootconauto
2022-07-04Got multi-core to work under new scheduler.nrootconauto
2022-07-04Multi core scheduler,poop branch.nrootconauto
2022-07-04Yield bug dumb-fixed not preserving RSI,removed __SleepUntilValue from source.nrootconauto
2022-07-04Preliminary re-implementation of templeos sheduler.nrootconauto
2022-07-03Added Man,and Uf. Updated debug info to include information about vairable la...nrootconauto
2022-07-02Removed repeat keydowns on X11.nrootconauto
2022-07-02Merge branch 'x11_Stack_aligned' of
2022-07-02Added Varoom.HC.Z,added Noise to KERNELA.HHnrootconauto
2022-07-02Cd failed on Cd-ing to file. multic.c for windows got a makeover. FFI for win...clayton
2022-07-02Psalmody: Add Risen HymnHeiwajima Shizuo
2022-07-01ACInit is luanched on last core,but Spawns autocomplete on Core0.nrootconauto
2022-07-01Compiles on FreeBSD.nrootconauto
2022-07-01Now qeues tasks before spawning them to avoid Queeing a already run task.clayton
2022-07-01Reduced boot time by running ACInit in other core.nrootconauto