# A2DP Switcher This project allows you to connect via a Bluetooth Classic A2DP connection to your speakers. It does this by using a multiplexer which switches the output from a DAC automatically when media is playing on the Bluetooth, and back to whatever device you would normally have your speakers connected to, for example, a computer. ## Installation ### Prerequisites - Some sort of DAC, such as a PCM5102A module; - An ESP32; - Some Arduino IDE knowledge. - Optionally, if you do not want a wiring mess, a PCB which you can find here. ### Configuration If you want to change pin configurations or bluetooth settings, edit the "config.h" file. ### Building Go to Tools -> Boards -> Boards Manager. Find the `esp32` package by Espressif Systems and install that. Get the `ESP32-A2DP` library at https://github.com/pschatzmann/ESP32-A2DP. Go to Code -> Download ZIP. In Arduino IDE, go to Sketch -> Load library -> Add ZIP library and select the downloaded ZIP. ### Flashing Go to Tools and select your ESP32 board, and on Port, select the port your board is on. Hit Ctrl-U or press the Upload button. ## License This project is licensed under the GNU GPLv3 license. For more information go to [LICENSE.txt](./LICENSE.txt) at the root of the repository.